



工学学士 (计算机科学与技术), 国防科技大学, 中国, 1991;

工学硕士 (计算科学与技术), 江苏大学, 中国, 1996;

工学博士 (计算机科学与技术), 南京大学, 中国, 1998.



中国计算机学会: 信息存储技术专业委员会副主任、常务委员 (2006-);

灾备技术国家工程实验室: 副主任、技术委员会委员 (2008-);

高效能服务器和存储技术国家重点实验室: 学术委员(2008-);

863计划“海量存储系统关键技术” 重大项目: 总体专家组副组长 (2008-2010);

《计算机学报》: 编委 (2010-);

《软件学报》: 责任编委 (2012-);

《计算机研究与发展》: 编委 (2010-).

IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage: 程序委员会委员 (2011);

IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium: 程序委员会委员 (2012);

IEEE Cluster: Program Vice Co-Chairs (Storage and Reliability) (2012);


IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium: 大会主席(NVMSA 2014);

IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing:程序委员会委员 (2015).






在基于非易失存储器件的存储系统与技术方面,针对传统存储架构、软件及各层次都是基于传统器件设计而难以发挥NVM器件特性等问题,同时NVM器件本身也有性能和器件寿命等等不足,研究了基于NVM的存储系统与相关技术,相关主要学术成果发表在FAST’2014、FAST’2013、MICRO-46、ISCA’2015、CF’2015、IPDPS’2014、DSN’2014、ICCD’2014、DATA’2014、NVMSA’2014、ICCD’2013等重要国际会议和IEEE TOC 2015权威国际期刊上。

在网络(/云/大数据)存储系统与关键技术方面,主要针对网络(/云/大数据)存储系统中面临的性能、扩展性、兼容性、易用性、安全性、易管理等问题进行研究,在存储虚拟化、存储系统在线扩展方法、元数据管理方法、存储Cache策略、分级存储系统、面向SAN的并行文件系统、云存储安全系统等方面的研究取得了一些进展。研制出了具有自主知识产权的国产网络存储系统——“清华海量存储网络系统TH-MSNS”。目前,TH-MSNS系统已有近100套应用在审计署、公安局、电信、油田、高校等行业或部门,相关主要学术成果发表在IEEE TOC 2005/2007/2010/2014、ACM TOS 2007/2010、IEEE TPDS 2014/2015、JPDC 2014等权威国际期刊和IWQos’2014、IWQos’2013、ICPP’2012、CLUSTER’2012、ASP-DAC’2013、SISW’2008、SPEED’2008、MSST’2006、NPC’2005、CCGrid’2004、NPC’2004等重要国际会议上。

在数据存储可靠性方面,针对存储纠删码容错能力(容1个、2个和多个错误)、性能(编码效率)和存储利用率等方面存在的问题进行研究,提出并实现了一些相关的高效实用的存储纠删码技术,提高了存储系统的可靠性,相关主要学术成果发表在IPDPS’2015、DSN’2014、SRDS’2014、ICPP’2013、ICPP’2012、ISIT’2010等重要国际会议和IEEE TOC 2010、ACM TOS 2009/2012等权威国际期刊上。



863项目: 面向大数据的先进存储结构及关键技术(2013-2015);


国家工信部子课题: 云计算平台上面向移动通信业务云服务关键技术与系统(2013-2015);

国家科技支撑计划子课题: 存储虚拟化软件开发及产业化(2010-2013);

国家杰出青年科学基金: 大规模网络存储系统的可靠性关键技术研究 (2010-2013);

国家自然科学基金: 大规模网络存储系统的容错技术研究 (2009-2011);

973一级课题: 下一代互联网存储按需部署模型与服务质量研究 (2004-2009);

863重大课题子课题: 海量存储系统软件和关键技术 (2009-2010).



北京市科学技术进步二等奖——高可扩展海量网络存储系统 (2004);

高等学校科学技术进步二等奖——深腾2600网络服务器系统 (2007);

国家科技进步二等奖——高性能集群计算机与海量存储系统 (2007);


清华大学学术新人奖 (2005).

教育部:新世纪优秀人才 (2005);


国家自然科学基金委: 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 (2009);

教育部长江学者特聘教授 (2014).



Referred Conference, Symposium, and Workshop Papers:

[CF’15 ] Long Sun, Jiwu Shu and Youyou Lu, DP^2: Reducing Transaction Overhead with Differential and Dual Persistency in Persistent Memory, ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, May 18 -21, 2015, Ischia, Italy


[ISCA’15] Chao Zhang, Guangyu Sun, Xian Zhang, Weiqi Zhang, Weisheng Zhao, Tao Wang, Yun Liang, Yongpan Liu, Yu Wang, Jiwu Shu, Hi-fi Playback: Tolerating Position Errors in Shift Operations of Racetrack Memory, The 42nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Portland, OR, USA, June 13-17,2015


[IPDPS’15] Fu Yingxun, Jiwu Shu, D-Code: An Efficient RAID-6 Code to Optimize I/O Loads and Reads Performance, 29th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 25-29, 2015, Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India (acceptance rate: 108/496 = 21.77%)


[ICCD’14] Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu, Long Sun and Onur Mutlu, LOC: Loose-Ordering Consistency for NVM-based Memory-Level Storage, 32ndIEEEInternationalConferenceonComputerDesign (ICCD), October, 19-22,Seoul,Korea, pp.216-223 (acceptance rate: 64/207 = 30.92%)


[SRDS’14] Fu Yingxun, Jiwu Shu,Xianghong Luo, A Stack-Based Single Disk Failure Recovery Scheme for Erasure Coded Storage Systems,33rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), October 6-9, 2014, Nara, Japan, pp.136-145 (acceptance rate: 30/120 = 25%)


[NVMSA’14] Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu and Peng Zhu, TxCache: Transactional Cache using Byte-addressable Non-Volatile Memories in SSDs, 3rd IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA 2014), 2014, August 20-21, Chongqing, China(Best paper)


[DSN’14-b] Fan Jie, Jiang Song, Shu Jiwu, Sun Long, Hu Qingda, WL-Reviver: A Framework for Reviving any Wear-LevelingTechniques in the Face of Failures on Phase Change Memory, The Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June 23-26, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia USA, pp. 228-239(acceptance rate: 49/181 = 27.07%)


[DSN’14-a] Zhirong Sheng, Jiwu Shu, HV Code: An MDS Code to Improve Efficiency and Reliability of RAID-6 Systems, The Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June 23-26, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia USA, pp. 550-561 (acceptance rate: 49/181 = 27.07%)


[IWQos’14]Zhirong Shen, Jiwu Shu, Wei Xue, Keyword Search with Access Control over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing, ACM/IEEE 22th International Symposium onQuality of Service (IWQoS), May26-27th 2014, Hong Kong, China, pp. 87-92(short paper) (acceptance rate: 24/101=23.76% (full papers) +20 (short papers))


[IPDPS’14] Jiaxin Ou, Jiwu Shu, EDM: an Endurance-aware Data Migration Scheme for Load Balancing in SSD Storage Clusters, the 28th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 19-23, 2014, Arizona Grand Resort, PHOENIX (Arizona) USA, pp.787-796 (acceptance rate: 114/541=21.07%)


[DATE’14] Wang Wei, Lu Youyou, Shu Jiwu, p-OFTL: An Object-based Semantic-aware ParallelFlash Translation Layer, IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference (DATE),March 24-28, 2014, Dresden, Germany, pp.157-162 (acceptance rate:206/890=23.15%)


[FAST’14] Lu Youyou, Shu Jiwu, Wang Wei, ReconFS: A Reconstructable File System on Flash Storage, FAST, the 12th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), February 12-15,2014, San Jose, CA, USA, pp. 75-88 (acceptance rate: 21/133=15.79%(full paper))


[MICRO-46] Jie Fan, Song Jiang, Jiwu Shu, Youhui Zhang, Weimin Zheng, Partitioning Data Block for Efficient Recovery ofStuck-At-Faults in Phase Change Memory, The 46th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), December 7-11, 2013, Davis, California, pp. 433-444 (acceptance rate: 39/239=16.32%)


[ICCD’13-b] Letian Yi, Jiwu Shu, Jiaxin Ou, Weimin Zheng, CG-Resync: Conversion-Guided Resynchronization for a SSD-based RAID Array(Poster), 31stIEEEInternationalConferenceonComputerDesign (ICCD), October6-9, Asheville,NC,USA, pp. 455-458 (Poster) (acceptance rate: 56/223=25.11% (full papers) +23 (Poster))


[ICCD’13-a] Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu, Jia Guo, Shuai Li, Onur Mutlu, LightTx: A Lightweight Transactional Design in Flash-based SSDs to Support Flexible Transactions, 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), October 6-9, 2013, Asheville NC, USA, pp. 115-122 (acceptance rate: 56/223=25.11%)


[ICPP’13] Xianghong Luo, Jiwu Shu, Load-Balanced Recovery Schemes for Single-disk Failure in Storage Systems with Any Erasure Code, 42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), October 1-4, 2013, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, pp. 552-561(acceptance rate: 59/193=30.57%)


[IWQos’13] Zhirong Shen, Jiwu Shu and Wei Xue, Preferred Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing, ACM/IEEE 21th International Workshop onQuality of Service (IWQos), pp. 207-212, June 3-4th 2013, Montreal, Canada(short paper), pp. 207-212 (acceptance rate: 17/61=27.87% (full papers) +11 (short papers))


[FAST’13] Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu, Weimin Zheng, Extending the Lifetime of Flash-based Storage through Reducing Write Amplification from File Systems, 11th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), February 12-15,2013, San Jose, CA, USA,pp. 257-270(acceptance rate: 20/127=15.75%(full paper))


[ASP-DAC’13] Jiwu Shu, Zhirong Shen, Wei Xue, Yingxun Fu, Secure storage system and key technologies, 18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (IEEE/ACM ASP-DAC), January 22-25, 2013, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama City, Japan, pp. 376-383


[ICPP’12] Xianghong Luo, Jiwu Shu, Yin Zhao, Shifted Element Arrangement in Mirror Disk Arraysfor High Data Availability during Reconstruction, 2012 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), September 10-13, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA,pp. 424-433 (acceptance rate: 53/187=28.34%)


[Cluster’12-b] Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu, Shuai Liy, Letian Yi, Accelerating Distributed Updates with Asynchronous Ordered Writes ina Parallel File System, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, September 24-27, 2012, Beijing, China, pp99-107(acceptance rate: 58/201=28.86%)


[Cluster’12-a] Yi Letian, Shu Jiwu, Ou Jiaxin, Zhao Yin Cx: Concurrent Execution for the Cross-Server Operations in a Distributed File System, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, September 24-27, 2012, Beijing, China, pp203-310(acceptance rate: 58/201=28.86%)


[ICPP’11] Letian Yi, Jiwu Shu, Youyou Lu, Wei Wang, Weimin Zheng, MiF: Mitigationg the intra-file Fragmentation in parallel file system, International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), September 13-16, 2011, pp. 424-433,Taipei,Taiwan(acceptance rate: 81/363=22.31%)


[ISIT’10-b] Li Mingqiang, Shu Jiwu, On Cyclic Lowest Density MDS Array Codes Constructed Using Starters, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 13-18, 2010, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 1315-1319


[ISIT’10-a] Li Mingqiang, Shu Jiwu, On the Equivalence Between the B-Code Constructions and Perfect One-Factorizations, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 13-18, 2010, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 993-996


[SISW’08] Da Xiao, Jiwu Shu, Rongrong Huang, Kang Chen, Trustworthy Audit Logs: Deterring Lies about a File System’s Past, 5th Int. IEEE Security in Storage Workshop (SISW), held with 25th IEEE Conf. on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), Baltimore Inner Harbor, Maryland, USA, Sep. 22-25, 2008


[SPEED’08] Yang Wang, Jiwu Shu, Wei Xue , Mao Xue, VFS Interceptor: Dynamically Tracing File System Operations in real environments, Proceedings of International Workshop on Storage and I/O Virtualization, Performance, Energy, Evaluation and Dependability (SPEED, Hold in conjunction with HPCA-13), February 17, 2008, Salt Lake City, USA.


[MSST’06-b] Da Xiao, Jiwu Shu, Wei Xue, Weimin Zheng. An Out-of-band Approach to SAN-level Cache Management. 14th NASA Goddard/23rd IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (NASA/MSST), May15-18, 2006, pp. 91-96, University of Maryland University College, College Park, Maryland, USA


[MSST’06-a] Weijia Li, Wei XUE, Jiwu SHU, Weimin ZHENG, Dynamic Hashing: Adaptive Metadata Management for Petabyte-scale File Systems, 14th NASA Goddard /23rd IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (NASA/MSST), May15-18, 2006, pp. 159-164,University of Maryland University College, College Park, Maryland, USA


[NPC’05-b] Zhang Guanyin, Shu Jiwu, Xue wei, Zheng Weimin, MagicStore: A New Out-of-Band Storage Virtualization System in SAN Environment, IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 2005, LNCS 3779, pp. 379-386


[NPC’05-a] Meng Ran, Shu Ji-wu, Xue Wei, Design and Implementation of an SAN Agent for Windows NT Architecture, IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC), 2005, LNCS 3779, pp. 371-378


[ICPP’05] Wei Xue, Jiwu Shu, Yongwei Wu, Weimin Zheng, Parallel Algorithm and Implementation for Realtime Dynamic Simulation of Power System, International Conference on Parallel Processing(ICPP), 14-17 June 2005, Oslo, Norway, pp. 137-144(acceptance Rate: 69/241=28.63%)


[CCGrid’04] Jiwu SHU, Bing WANG, Weimin ZHENG, Yiyan DENG, Policy of File Migration at Server in Cluster File System, 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), April 19-22, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp. 691-698(acceptance Rate: 38/138=27.54%)


[NPC’04] SHU Ji-wu, YAN Rui, WEN Dong-chan, ZHENG Wei-min, An Implementation of Storage-Based Synchronous Remote Mirroring for SANs, IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing(NPC), LNCS 3222, 2004, pp. 463-472

Note:Acceptance Rate refers to the acceptance rate of regular paper or full paper.

Referred Journal Articles


[TOC, 2015] Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu, Jia Guo, Peng Zhu, Supporting System Consistency with Differential Transactionsin Flash-based SSDs, IEEE Trans. on Computers, (accepted)


[TOC, 2015] Zhang Guangyan, Wu Guiyong, Wang shupeng, Shu Jiwu, Zheng Weimin; Li Keqin, CaCo: An Efficient Cauchy Coding Approach for a Cloud Storage System, IEEE Transactions on Computers (accepted)


[FGCS, 2015] Tao Zhang, Xiangzheng Sun, Wei Xue, Nan Qiao, Huang Huang, Jiwu Shu, Weimin Zheng, ParSA: High-throughput scientific data analysis framework with distributed file system, Future Generation Computer Systems(accepted)


[TOC, 2015] Youyou Lu, Jiwu Shu, Jia Guo, Shuai Li,and Onur Mutlu, High-Performance and LightweightTransaction Support in Flash-based SSDs, IEEE Trans. on Computers, (accepted)


[JPDC, 2014] Jiwu Shu, Zhirong Shen, Wei Xue,Shield: A Stackable Secure Storage System for File Sharing in Public Storage, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 74(2014), pp.2872-2883.


[TPDS, 2014] Zhang Guangyan; Wang Jigang; Li Keqin; Shu Jiwu; Zheng Weimin,Redistribute Data to Regain Load Balance during RAID-4 Scaling, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,25(7), pp.1-11, JULY 2014.


[TOC, 2014] Letian Yi, Jiwu Shu, Ying Zhao, Yingjin Qian, Youyou Lu, Weimin Zheng, Design and Implementation of an AsymmetricBlock-Based and Parallel File System, IEEE Trans. on Computers, 62(7), pp.1723-1735, JULY 2014.


[SCIENCE CHINA, 2013] Guangyan Zhang, Jianping Qiu, Jiwu Shu, Weimin Zheng, AIP: a Tool for Flexible and Transparent DataManagement, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol.55, Issue 5, pp.1-11, May 2013.


[TOS, 2012] Luo Xianghong, Shu Jiwu, Generalized X-code: An efficient RAID-6 code for arbitrary size ofdisk array, ACM Transactions on Storage, 8(3), Article 10,pp.1-19, 2012.


[SCIENCE CHINA, 2011] Wei XUE, Jiwu Shu, Yang LIU and Mao XUE, Corslet: A Shared Storage System keeping your data private, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 54(6), pp.1119-1128, 2011.


[TOC, 2010-b] Li Mingqiang, Shu Jiwu, Preventing Silent Data Corruptions from Propagating During Data Reconstruction,IEEE Transactions on Computers, 59(12), pp.1611-1624, 2010.


[TOC, 2010-a] Li Mingqiang, Shu Jiwu, DACO: A High Performance Disk Architecture Designed Specially for Large Scale Erasure Coded Storage Systems, IEEE Trans. Computers, 59(10): pp.1350-1362, 2010.


[TOS, 2010] Wang Yang, ShuJi-Wu, Zhang Guang-Yan, Xue Wei, SOPA: Selecting the Optimal Policy Adaptively for a cache system, ACM Transactions on Storage,6(2), Article 7, pp.1-18, 2010.


[TOC, 2010] Guangyan Zhang, Weimin Zheng, and Jiwu Shu. ALV: A New Data Redistribution Approach to RAID-5 Scaling. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 59(3). pp. 345-357, March 2010.


[TOS, 2009] Li Mingqiang, Shu Jiwu, Zheng Weimin, GRID Codes: Strip-based Erasure Codes with High Fault Tolerance for Storage Systems, ACM Transactions on Storage, 4(4), Article15, pp.1-22, 2009.


[TOC, 2007] Guangyan Zhang, Jiwu Shu, Wei Xue, and Weimin Zheng, Design and Implementation of an Out-of-Band Virtualization System for Large SANs, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 56(12), pp.1654-1665, 2007.


[JCST, 2007] Jun Yao, Ji-Wu Shu, Wei-Min Zheng, Distributed Storage Cluster Design for Remote Mirroring based on Storage Area Network, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 22(4): pp.521-526, 2007.


[TOS, 2007] Guangyan Zhang, Jiwu Shu, Wei Xue, and Weimin Zheng,SLAS: An Efficient Approach to Scaling Round-robin Striped Volumes, ACM Transactions on Storage, 3(1), Article3, pp.1-39, 2007.


[TOPS, 2005] JIWU SHU, WEI XUE, WEIMING ZHENG, A Parallel Transient Stability Simulation for Power System, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 20(4), pp.1709-1717, 2005.


[TOC, 2005] Shu Ji-wu, Li Bigang, Zheng Wei-min, Design and Implementation of a SAN System Based on the Fiber Channel Protocol, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 54(4), pp.439-448, 2005.


[CPC, 2003] JIWU SHU, BINGWANG, MIN CHEN, JINZHAOWANG, WEIMIN ZHENG, Optimization techniques for parallel force-decomposition algorithmin molecular dynamic simulations, Computer Physics Communications,154(2),2003: 121-130.


[CPC, 2002] J.W.Shu, Q.Lu, W.O.Wong, Hanchen Huang, Parallelization strategies for Monte Carlo simulations of thin film deposition, Computer Physics Communications, 144(1),2002:34-45.