![]() 姓名:张广艳 职称:副教授 电话:62783505-8004 教育背景理学学士 (计算机科学), 吉林大学, 中国, 2000; 工学硕士 (计算机科学与技术), 吉林大学, 中国, 2003; 工学博士 (计算机科学与技术),清华大学, 中国, 2008. 研究领域大数据计算 存储系统 分布式处理 研究概况主要从事大数据计算、存储系统与分布式处理等方面的研究工作。近年来主要集中在大数据存储及处理的系统结构及可扩展性研究,通过分析并利用数据访问模式特征、底层设备工作机理以及数据自身的演化规律,提出了高可扩展的大数据分布式存储及处理系统构建及优化方法,有效提高了大数据系统的性能、扩展性和可靠性。代表性论文发表在FAST 2011、IPDPS 2016、IEEE TC、IEEE TPDS 和ACM TOS、Information Sciences 等国际权威会议和期刊上,其中中国计算机学会推荐的A 类论文12 篇、B 类论文6篇。获国家发明专利授权6项。此外,作为负责人主持自然科学基金项目3 项、863 子课题1 项,作为技术骨干参与973 课题、863 课题、自然科学基金项目等多项。 奖励与荣誉教育部科技进步二等奖——深腾2600网络服务器系统 (2007). 学术成果1. Journal Papers [1]. Dawei Sun, Guangyan Zhang (Corresponding author), Chengwen Wu, Keqin Li, and Weimin Zheng. Building a Fault Tolerant Framework with Deadline Guarantee in Big Data Stream Computing Environments, Journal of Computer and System Sciences (5-Year Impact Factor: 1.598), 2017. in press. [2]. Shengmei Luo, Guangyan Zhang, Chengwen Wu, Samee U. Khan, and Keqin Li. "Boafft: Distributed Deduplication for Big Data Storage in the Cloud," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2017. in press. [3]. Guangyan Zhang, Guiyong Wu, Yu Lu, Jie Wu, and Weimin Zheng. "Xscale: Online X-code RAID-6 Scaling Using Lightweight Data Reorganization," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume: 27, Issue: 12, Page(s): 3687 - 3700. Dec. 2016. [4]. Chengwen Wu, Guangyan Zhang, and Keqin Li. "Rethinking Computer Architectures and Software Systems for Phase Change Memory," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Volume 12, Issue 4, Article No. 33, May 2016. [5]. Yukun He, Guangyan Zhang, Jie Wu, and Qiang Li. "Understanding a Prospective Approach to Designing Malicious Social Bots," Security and Communication Networks, Volume 9, Issue 13, Pages 2157-2172, September 2016. [6]. Yingxun Fu, Jiwu Shu, Zhirong Shen, and Guangyan Zhang. "Reconsidering Single Disk Failure Recovery for Erasure Coded Storage Systems: Optimizing Load Balancing in Stack-Level," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume: 27, Issue: 5, Page(s): 1457 - 1469. May 2016. [7]. Guangyan Zhang, Guiyong Wu, Shupeng Wang, Jiwu Shu, Weimin Zheng, and Keqin Li. "CaCo: An Efficient Cauchy Coding Approach for Cloud Storage Systems," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 65, Issue: 2, Page(s): 435 - 447. Feb. 2016. [8]. Dawei Sun, Guangyan Zhang (Corresponding author), Songlin Yang, Weimin Zheng, Samee Khan, and Keqin Li. Re-Stream: real-time and energy-efficient resource scheduling in big data stream computing environments, Information Sciences (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.221), Volume 319, Pages 92-112, October 2015. [9]. X. Yun, G. Wu, G. Zhang, K. Li, and S. Wang, "FastRAQ: A Fast Approach to Range-Aggregate Queries in Big Data Environments ," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Page(s): 206 - 218. July 2015. (Highlight Paper) [10]. Guangyan Zhang, Jigang Wang, Keqin Li, Jiwu Shu, and Weimin Zheng, Redistribute Data to Regain Load Balance during RAID-4 Scaling, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,Volume: 26, Issue: 1, Page(s): 219 - 229. Jan. 2015. [11]. Guangyan Zhang, Keqin Li, Jingzhe Wang, Weimin Zheng, "Accelerate RDP RAID-6 Scaling by Reducing Disk I/Os and XOR Operations," IEEE Transactions on Computers,Volume: 64, Issue: 1, Page(s): 32 - 44. Jan. 2015. [12]. Guangyan Zhang, Weimin Zheng, Keqin Li, "Rethinking RAID-5 Data Layout for Better Scalability", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 63 , Issue: 11, Page(s): 2816 - 2828. Nov. 2014. [13]. Sun DW, Zhang GY (Corresponding author), Zheng WM. Big data stream computing: technologies and instances. Ruan Jian XueBao/ Journal of Software, April 2014, 25(4) (in Chinese). [14]. Zhang, G., Zheng, W., and Li, K. 2013. Design and evaluation of a new approach to RAID-0 scaling. ACM Transactions on Storage, 9, 4, Article 11 (November 2013), 31 pages. [15]. Guangyan Zhang, JianpingQiu, Jiwu Shu, Weimin Zheng AIP: A Tool for Flexible and Transparent Data Managemen, [J]. SCIENCE CHINA, Information Sciences, 2013, 56(5):052114(11). [16]. Qiu JP, Zhang GY (Corresponding author), Shu JW. DMStone: A tool for evaluating hierarchical storage management systems. Journal of Software, 2012, 23(4):987--995. [in Chinese] [17]. Guangyan Zhang, Weimin Zheng, and Jiwu Shu. ALV: A New Data Redistribution Approach to RAID-5 Scaling. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 59, No. 3. pp. 345-357, March 2010. [18]. Yang Wang, Jiwu Shu, Guangyan Zhang, Wei Xue, Weimin Zheng. SOPA: Selecting the Optimal Policy Adaptively. ACM transactions on storage, Volume 6 Issue 2, July 2010. [19]. Guangyan Zhang, Jiwu Shu, Wei Xue, and Weimin Zheng. Design and Implementation of an Out-of-Band Virtualization System for Large SANs. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 56, No. 12. pp. 1654-1665, Dec 2007. [20]. Zhang, G., Shu, J., Xue, W., and Zheng, W. 2007. SLAS: An efficient approach to scaling round-robin striped volumes. ACM Transactions on Storage, Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2007, pp. 1-39. 2. Conference Papers [21]. Shuhan Cheng, Guangyan Zhang, Jiwu Shu, and Weimin Zheng. "AsyncStripe: I/O Efficient Asynchronous Graph Computing on a Single Server," in the Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Hardware - Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2016), Pittsburgh, USA, October 2016. [22]. Xiaqing Li, Guangyan Zhang, H. Howie Huang, Zhufan Wang and Weimin Zheng. "Performance Analysis of GPU-based Convolutional Neural Networks," in the Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing ( ICPP-2016), Philadelphia, PA USA, August 2016. (Acceptance Ratio:21%) [23]. Shuhan Cheng, Guangyan Zhang, Jiwu Shu, Qingda Hu, and Weimin Zheng. "FastBFS: Fast Breadth-First Graph Search on a Single Server," in the Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'16), Chicago, Illinois USA, May 2016. (Acceptance Ratio:23%) [24]. Weimin Zheng, Guangyan Zhang (Corresponding author). FastScale: Accelerate RAID Scaling by Minimizing Data Migration. in the Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST'11), San Jose, CA, February 2011. [25]. Guangyan Zhang, Jiwu Shu, Wei Xue, Weimin Zheng: MagicStore: A New Out-of-Band Virtualization System in SAN Environments. NPC 2005: 379-386 3. BookChapters [26]. Chengwen Wu, Guangyan Zhang, Keqin Li, and Weimin Zheng, "Large graph computing systems," Big Data Management, Architecture, and Processing, Kuan-Ching Li, Hai Jiang, and Albert Zomaya, eds., Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, 2017. [27]. Xiaqing Li, Guangyan Zhang, Keqin Li, and Weimin Zheng, "Deep learning and its parallel acceleration techniques," Big Data: Principles and Paradigms, RajkumarBuyya, Rodrigo N. Calheiros, and Amir VahidDastjerdi, eds., Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2015. [28]. Dawei Sun, Guangyan Zhang, Weimin Zheng, and Keqin Li, "Key technologies for big data stream computing," Big Data: Algorithms, Analytics, and Applications, Kuan-Ching Li, Hai Jiang, Laurence T. Yang, and Alfredo Cuzzocrea, eds., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.